Ultra Heavy Frame Structure:
The Accurshear is designed with a fully welded boxed-in bed table structure that has a high torsion stiffness to balance the torsion load from the cutting force. The maximum rigidity of the unique design, combined with the table design, ensures constant blade clearance during the shearing cycle.
Highest Shear Rating Capacities:
All Accurshear models are rated to shear structural quality steel with typical mechanical properties up to 80,000 tensile and 44,000 yield strength.
Quality Blades:
The Accurshear uses the highest quality shear blades, specially developed to minimize re-sharpening. Depending on the shear capacity, either high carbon, high chrome, or high carbon/shock resisting blades are used for shearing a wide range of metals.

Heavy Duty Backgauge:
Strength, rigidity, and accuracy combine to produce a solid and reliable backgauge. High accuracy is achieved via precision ACME lead screws, running on roller bearings, producing longevity and low friction. When the backgauge is run back to the full travel distance it will mechanically lift up, enabling the shearing of longer pieces.
Manual Gap Adjustment:
Blade clearance is adjusted manually on Accurshear models 62506 through 650012 by a hand lever on the side of the machine, which is easily rotated for the appropriate gauge of metal. The 6135 Series model has a fixed blade setting, while the 650014 and larger models have a powered system – operated by a selector switch from the front console.
Simple Controls:
Turn the machine on/off, set the backgauge, stroke length and Run Mode quickly and easily all from the main shear control console. Simple to use and standard for all models.
Squaring Arm:
Located on the left end of the table is the 4’ squaring arm with a steel rule measuring in 1/16” as well as 1 mm increments.
Accurshear Automation
It is estimated that material handling consumes up to 95% of a shear operator’s time. Accurpress offers automated systems that will greatly reduce inefficiencies in shearing applications.
CNC Frontgauge/Arms
Accurpress also offers an economical CNC frontgauge system that includes optional lengths for the Squaring Arm and Front Arms to enhance shearing applications.
The Accurveyor increases efficiency by accurately and conveniently conveying plates onto a stacker for quick removal.