One machine that does it all; drill, mill, tap, countersink, oxy-fuel cutting, plasma cutting, bevel cut, scribe, and stamp. The Peddinghaus HSFDB-C can process up to 4″ thick material with a width of up to 96″. These features allow fabricators with complex plate applications to take advantage of cost savings offered by a more compact, more versatile, and more efficient option for processing plate.
Benefits of the Peddinghaus HSFDB-C
- Automatic Tool Changer – Eliminates the need to manually change tooling
- Carbide Scribing – Ideal for part numbering or layout marking
- Plenum Chamber and Dump Table – Parts up to 1000 pounds can be unloaded easily
- Automated Material Dimensioning – Plate dimensions are measured by a laser probe system, NO MORE MANUAL MEASURING
Peddinghaus HSFDB-C Specifications
- Maximum Material Thickness 4″
- Minimum Material Thickness 1/4”
- Maximum Material Width10′, 8′, 6′
- Minimum Material Width 6”
- Spindle Power 48 HP
- Maximum Material Weight – HSFDB-3200/C32,400 lbs
- Maximum Material Weight – HSFDB-2500/C26,740 lbs
- Maximum Material Weight – HSFDB-1800/C19, 253 lbs
- Spindle Speed0-2250 RPM
- Machine Weight – HSFDB-2500/C42,000 lbs